24-Hour Contact Center

Potential new client inquiries must be handled in real time. Calls to 1.800.NoCuffs are answered live 24/7, and then routed to you.

Great TV commercials and a branded, memorable phone number are critical elements to an effective ad campaign.

The next step in turning potential clients into retained clients is to be available to help them when they need help, whatever time of day that may be. This is virtually impossible in an average law firm for two reasons: First, when the ads run, there can be a flood of calls beyond the firm’s capacity to answer them. Second, radio and TV spots can air during off-peak times for economic reasons, when law firms are closed or lightly staffed.

What we know from decades of experience is when prospective clients need to call, they need to talk with someone qualified, immediately. Our partner contact center only handles legal consumer inquiries and has been handling our California calls successfully for years. They provide 24/7/365 service from their offices in Camarillo, California, in the good old US of A. They greet the callers, find the appropriate attorney to assist them, and transfer the calls seamlessly.

We also will provide you with data about which of your team members handled which callers. This information, combined with your own statistics about your team members, will give you vital retention data by individual. This allows you to promote, train or replace as needed.

With 1.800.NoCuffs, our suite of services ensures that you never lose a client because you missed a call.