TV Commercials

Having an inventory of proven TV spots means your marketing dollars are invested in airing the commercials, not creating and producing them.

Let’s face it. Lawyers have done a particularly underwhelming job when it comes to TV commercials.

For some reason, lawyers seem to love standing in front of bookshelves in their commercials. Worse is rattling off their list of professional accomplishments (as if potential clients know or care what AV-ratings mean or what AVVO scores are, both of which will drive your potential client to see your many competitors). Sometimes they just trumpet their verdicts and settlements, or just shout some vaguely aggressive thing, such as that they will “fight for you.”

Whether the commercials are merely self-congratulatory or blatantly off-putting, they fail to build a brand that people want to have a relationship with. That’s where we come in.

We know how to do TV commercials right, only because we learned the hard way, from initially doing it poorly. Thankfully, you don’t have to suffer that same painful (and expensive) learning curve. You get to learn from our mistakes.
You get the benefit of working with a world-class creative team, the same folks that have architected commercials for some of the most innovative and profitable brands, like Dollar Shave Club, Carl’s Jr., So-Fi, and Taco Bell. We learned that there is nothing more expensive than spending money on second-rate creatives, so we don’t do that anymore. Lesson learned.

But getting the creatives right is just the first step. It is just as important to ensure that these commercials are aired on the right station, at the right time, and with the right amount of frequency to ensure the brand is burned into the frontal cortices of the TV viewing public. We learned some tough lessons about this in the early years too. There’s nothing more expensive than the cheapest alternatives, and while there are certainly opportunities to get great bang for your buck, it takes insight and experience to buy media time well. Thankfully, our learning curve has been smoothed out for years, and the result has been stable, predictable, and profitable return on investment. Our ROI return is consistently 3.0+, and this is in hypercompetitive marketplaces. It would be our privilege to take on this challenge wherever you practice.

If you choose to license 1.800.NoCuffs in your territory, you truly become a category of one. No one else will have that number. And no one else will have the creative team that you do, people that have created award-winning commercials.
Exclusive content. Exclusive leads. Exclusively with 1.800.NoCuffs.