Proven Marketing Solutions

Our team has built our founder’s law firm into an 8-figure business. These same strategies and techniques are now available for you.

Who we are and what we do

We help defense lawyers who are committed to transforming their practices (and their lives). We create the ultimate freedom that only comes from effective brand-building. We know it’s possible because we’ve done it.

April 2017. I set out to run from L.A. to New York, Forrest Gump style. (Yes, I know it’s insane, it was the fulfillment of a childhood dream.) I launched from the Dr. Phil show amid much media hoopla. I ran 50 miles a day in training, but early on, my left leg betrayed me (stress fracture plus an unraveling tendon). The doctors declared “no more running,” so I spent two “bloody” hours on Rollerblades before shifting to a mountain bike. 3,000 miles later, I made it to Times Square. Between training full-time and the trek, I was away from my law firm for four straight months and my business did not suffer. In fact, it performed better financially. My brand allowed me that freedom. My mission is to use my brand to create this same freedom for other lawyers, so they can fulfill their childhood dreams too.

-Darren Kavinoky, Founder


Years Marketing Experience


Million in Retainers


Average Media ROI


Annual Growth


Cases in 2017


Team Members
Chief TV Strategist
Chief Radio Strategist
Chief Digital Strategist
Chief of Business Intelligence
O U R    V I S I O N

Creating ultimate freedom for defense lawyers through innovative, proven offline and digital marketing. We turn law firms into trusted brands, so that they dominate their market.

As Seen On

Our Founder, Darren Kavinoky, is a sought-after TV legal analyst and can be seen regularly on many networks.


Some remarkable events our digital marketing agency went through.


March, 2001

Darren Kavinoky builds his first legal website,


August, 2009

 Darren acquires the phone number 1.800.NoCuffs from Polaroid.


November, 2012

The Kavinoky Law Firm begins using 1.800.NoCuffs in television and radio ads.


July, 2017

Darren Kavinoky rides his mountain bike into Times Square after riding 3,400 miles from L.A.; his law firm eclipses the prior year’s performance during his absence, confirming that it is a business that can run independently from its owner.


March, 2018

The Kavinoky Law Firm celebrates its first $1 million-dollar month.

April, 2018

Darren teams up with Ron Joyal, former COO of 1-800-Dentist, to architect the launch of Night Train Marketing.