Advanced Business Intelligence

What you measure, you can optimize. We make sure your marketing dollars are allocated to exactly where they need to be.

Management guru Peter Drucker said it best: “What gets measured gets managed.” This is certainly true when it comes to successful marketing campaigns. Failing to measure properly is like a pilot attempting to fly a plane through a dense fog without the being able to read the dials in the cockpit. Would you want to get in that plane? How could you know whether you were cruising comfortably at 30,000 feet, or about to veer into the side of a mountain?

We know that there is incredible power and longevity in a branded campaign. Compared, say, to pay-per-click advertising, where the moment you stop paying your ads vanish without a trace, a branded campaign offers the significant advantage of longevity. If you do an effective job of aligning consumers with your brand, the phones ring long after an ad runs. The brand has independent value.

Some advertise with unique phone numbers for attribution. But unique numbers have a massive drawback: Your marketing dollars are spread thin promoting a variety of numbers, and the odds that any of them will stick in the minds of consumers are slim-to-none.

Marketing a branded number achieves ubiquity. Marketing a branded number allows the brand to appear ever-present. It is the same number your audience hears driving to and from work; it is the same number that your audience sees watching the TV when they get home; it is the same number that is seen when an online search is done. It is like the adage that “a rising tide lifts all boats.” A branded number allows your marketing efforts to work in concert.

So how do you know what’s working and what’s not?

That’s where advanced business intelligence comes in. We do extensive market research through leading companies to reverse-engineer what our target audience listens to and watches. We track when radio ads and TV commercials actually run (down to the minute) and have software that allows us to compare these spot logs to call times. Our data scientist has created a “data warehouse” that allows us to track not just when calls took place, but, when combined with your retention results, which of those calls resulted in a retained client. We can track the individual results of the lawyers that handled those calls, so that we can staff according to effectiveness.

In short, we offer the tools that allow us to buy advertising time with confidence.

Our team has over a century of combined marketing experience. We’ve gone through the learning curve and worked out all the kinks when it comes to marketing for criminal cases. Put that experience to work for you by joining the 1.800.NoCuffs network of independently owned and operated law firms.