Memorable, Targeted Phone Number

1.800.Dentist. 1.800.Flowers. 1.800.Contacts. These brands resonate in the minds of consumers long after their commercials have aired. 1.800.NoCuffs does the same.

One of the most famous personal development books is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. (It’s definitely worth a read!) The second of these habits is to “begin with the end in mind,” to envision what you want in the future so that you can make decisions and take actions that are aligned with the desired result.When it comes to legal marketing, there is simply no meaningful debate that the desired result is a phone call from a prospective client.

A phone call is far more valuable than an email, web-chat, or form-fill.  With a phone call, the client is right there, asking for you to solve their problem.  If you do, they are willing to retain you.  An email or web lead is little more than an invitation to engage in phone tag, consuming precious resources.

If you begin with the end in mind, and conclude that what is most valuable is a phone call, then it becomes obvious that the best marketing vehicle is a memorable, targeted phone number. It is aligned with the action that you want a potential client to take, to pick up the phone and call you.

When advertising a product or service whose purchase relies on impulse, advertisers use any phone number they can find. They want the caller to call the minute they see the ad. You will see this in infomercials, QVC and the like. In fact, the last thing those advertisers want is for the consumer to think “Oh, I will remember that number and call later.”

When the service or product isn’t an impulse, it’s the advertiser’s mission to make the number as sticky as possible so that when the moment comes, the number to dial is top of mind. 
Use a memorable number and leave the forgettable ones to the impulse sellers.

This is the value of 1.800.NoCuffs. It is obviously a phone number and drives desired phone calls. It is a toll-free phone number, which allows for effective marketing into multiple area codes. It is memorable, since it is easily linked to the sound of ratcheting handcuffs, exactly what drives the need for people to call. It is exactly on brand for criminal defense lawyers everywhere.

And now it is available to you.